[SharpMZ] Zkouseni pridavnych karet pro MZ-2500

Michal Medek Michal.Bruntal na seznam.cz
Støeda Kvìten 31 20:33:02 CEST 2017


zakladam toto vlakno pro sdileni zkusenosti se $subj. Chtel bych diskutovat 
poznatky/problemy/zkusenosti se stavbou/testovanim/provozem. Proste vse. co 
by pomohlo k jejich pouziti.

1) K pametovym kartam jsem zjistil

Memory Mapping Register

address	R / W	Description	
B4h	W	

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

Select the memory mapping register to be read and written in B5h 
After reading / writing B5h, the value of B4h is autoincremented

MRSEL	Memory address	MRSEL	Memory address	
0	0000h - 1FFFh	4	8000h - 9FFFh	
1	2000h - 3FFFh	5	A000h - BFFFh	
2	4000h - 5FFFh	6	C000h - DFFFh	
3	6000h - 7FFFh	7	E000h - FFFFh	

B5h	R / W	

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

Memory block number to allocate

MB	Memory block	Weight when accessing	
00h - 0Fh	Main RAM (8K × 16 = 128K)	On M1 cycle + 1	
10 h - 1 Fh	Extended RAM (8 K × 16 = 128 K)	On M1 cycle + 1	
20 h - 27 h	Standard graphic VRAM (B / R / G / I)	+1 (*)	
28 h - 2 Fh	Extended graphic VRAM (B / R / G / I)	+1 (*)	
30 h - 31 h	Standard graphic VRAM (Read Modify Write)	+2 (*)	
32 h - 33 h	Extended graphic VRAM (Read Modify Write)	+2 (*)	
34h-37h	IPL ROM	On M1 cycle + 1	
38h	Text VRAM	+1 (*)	
39h	Kanji ROM / PCG	+2 (*)	
3Ah	Dictionary ROM	???	
3 Ch-3 Fh	Communication ROM	On M1 cycle + 1	

(*) M1 cycle impossible · When accessing during the display period, wait 
until the blanking period separately takes effect

According to
 the survey of the X1 center
 , the CPU accessible period of the graphic VRAM is 24 KHz: memory write 
cycle + 50 clock + memory write cycle 15 KHz: memory write cycle + 91 clock 
+ memory write cycle Normal access · additional weight by the read modify 
write They are + 1 and + 2, respectively, but the above values ​​do not 

Slo by tedy vyzkouset zapsat na MemoryBlock (cislo bloku), pak na 
MemorySelect (cislo banky) a zapsat par byte (ne pro ROM) a pak je stejnym 
zpusobem precist.

Vysledkem by mohlo byt zjisteni, ze to tak funguje a ze pridavne karty 
funguji. Nasledne otestovat, ze jsme vyrobili repliky dobre a ze funguji.


Graphics controller internal registers

register	Description	
00h	Pattern register B	
01h	Pattern register R	
02h	The pattern register G	
03h	Pattern register I	
04h	Color register

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	
	I	G	R	B	

05h	Function register / screen selection register

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	
signal	FN	
	I	G	R	B	

FN	function	00: REPLACE 
01: PSET 
10: Clear screen	
I / G / R / B	Drawing plane selection	0: Do not draw 
1: Draw	

For each plane specified only for the plane specified by the screen 
selection register (05h) to be rewritten,

   1. AND the VRAM data and the value obtained by inverting the value of the
   bit mask register
   2. OR ((CPU write data AND pattern register AND bit mask register 
   register value) is ORed only for the plane specified by the color 
   register (04h)
   3. Write results to VRAM
(An image that punctures the VRAM with the bit mask register value and 
inserts the cut-out pattern with the CPU write value)
For each plane specified only for the plane specified by the screen 
selection register (05h) to be rewritten,

   1. AND the VRAM data and the inverted value of the CPU write data
   2. Only the plane specified by the color register (04h), OR (CPU write 
   data AND pattern register) is ORed
   3. Write results to VRAM
(Image in which hole is drilled in VRAM with CPU write value and fit pattern
fitting there)
06h	Bit mask register	
07h	Select read control register

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

	1	I	G	R	B	

A	Direct Read Read Plane	00: B 
01: R 
10: G 
11: I	
I / G / R / B	Select read specification color	

08h, 09h	Display area vertical direction start line setting

Port	09h	08h	
Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

Specify the number of rasters in 9 bits 
0 to 190 h (vertical 400 lines) 
0 to C 8 h (length 200 lines) 
0Ah, 0Bh	Display area vertical direction end line setting

Port	0 Bh	0 Ah	
Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

0Ch	Display area horizontal direction start setting

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

0 to 50 h 
Horizontal 640 dots 8 dots Unit 320 dots 4 dots unit	
0Dh	Display area horizontal direction stop setting

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

Same as GDEHS	
0Eh	Display mode switching

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	
signal	EX	0	0	4C	256C	V200	H640	PRI	

EX	Standard VRAM / Extended VRAM Selection	0: Standard VRAM 
1: Extended VRAM	
4C	4 color mode 
(Only in 640 x 400 mode)	0: 4 color mode 
1: 16 color or 256 color mode	
256C	256 colors (8 planes simultaneous output) mode	0: 16 color mode 
1: 256 color mode	
V200	Number of vertical lines	0: 400 line 
1: 200 line	
H640	Number of horizontal dots	0: 320 dots 
1: 640 dots	
PRI	Priority when overlapping two screens 
(320 x 200 only in 16 color mode · 
Specify 1 in other modes)	0: Young screen with the number at the back 
1: Young number screen is toward you	

0Fh	Horizontal dot scroll amount within the scroll area

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

Horizontal scroll amount 0 to 7 in 1 dot unit 
A specified number of white pixels are inserted from the left edge of the 
screen, and the screen shifts to the right by that amount (scrolls) 
Therefore, it is necessary to hide the left end from the display area 
In 320x200 2 screen mode and 256 color mode, this function can be used only 
for screens 0 and 2, so it is practically impossible to scroll smoothly	
10h, 11h	Top left address of screen

Port	11h	10 h	
Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	
	SAD 0	

12h, 13h	Scroll wrapping address

Port	13h	12h	
Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	
	SAD 1	

When the CRTC's VRAM read address counter reaches this address, the address 
counter returns to 0000h from the next read	
14h, 15h	Display address after scroll end line

Port	15 h	14h	
Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	
	SAD 2	

When the display raster reaches the scroll end line, display starts from 
this address	
16h, 17h	Scroll end line

Port	17h	16h	
Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

0 to 190 h (vertical 400 lines) 
0 to C 8 h (length 200 lines) 
18h	Screen display register

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	
signal	I1	G1	R1	B1	I 0	G 0	R 0	B 0	

A plane with a bit of 1 is displayed	


Zajimavy registr 0Eh pro zmenu rezimu. Chtelo by to vyzkouset s ohledem na 
vyuzivani pameti a efektu na vystupu

3) PALETE karta/registr.


SSG register	R / W	Description	
07h	W	I / O setting of I / O ports A and B

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	
signal	IOB	IOA	noise	tone	

IOB	I / O port B input / output	0: Input 
1: Output	
IOA	I / O port A input / output	0: Input 
1: Output	

For MZ - 2500, set port A as output and port B as input	
0Eh	W	I / O port A

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

VACL	Voice board reset bit	0: Normal operation 
1: Reset the voice board	
VOE	Voice board ROM specification	0: Internal ROM 
1: External ROM	
VBUSY	Voice board handshake bit	
VDATA	Voice board transmission data	
MOUSE	SIO B channel function selection	0: RS-232C (9 pin) 
1: Mouse	
PLT	4096 color palette board output selection	0: 4096 color Palette board 
Select output 
1: Select main unit output	
The DRSEL	FDD drive number change	0: Built-in FDD is 0, 1 / external FDD is 
2, 3 
1: External FDD is 0, 1 / Built-in FDD is 2, 3	
READYA	RS-232C RR signal (D-Sub 25 pin connector No. 11 pin)	

0Fh	R	I / O port B

Bit	7	6	5	4	3	2	1	0	

VACK	Acknowledge from voice board	
RASTER	Display output mode	0: 400 lines (24 kHz) 
1: 200 lines (15 kHz)	
80B	MZ-80B mode	0: 80 B mode	
2000	MZ-2000 mode	0: 2000 mode	
CDB	RS-232C CD signal (D-Sub 9 pin connector 9 pin)	
CIA	RS-232C CI signal (D-Sub 25 pin connector No. 22 pin)	
CDA	RS-232C CD signal (D-Sub 25 pin connector No. 8 pin)



Zajimavy registr 0Eh bit PLT, ktery zapina podporu 4096 barev

4096 color palette board
16 bit I / O access required

address	R / W	Description	
AEh	W	4096 color palette
Address [15: 8]

Bit	15	14	13	12	11	Ten	9	8	

G / RB	0: DATA [3: 0] is written in the blue component of the pallet number 
PALNO, and DATA [7: 4] is written in the red component 
1: Write DATA [3: 0] to the green component of the pallet number PALNO	


The validity / invalidity of the pallet board is controlled by the OPO IOA 

A pak tady zapisovat do registru PALNO cislo barvy G a RB a pak jeji hodnotu

4) Mel by nekdo schema a/nebo fotky teto pridavne karty? Ze by se mohla 
casem pripravit a vyrobit replika. samozrejme by to chtelo mit v MZ-2500 ten
pridavny domecek, ktery by se mohl taky replikovat.

MZ-1 R 37 640 K EMM
16 bit I / O access required

address	R / W	Description	
ACh	W	Write address latch 
EMM address [19: 16] = {A15 - A8}, EMM address [15: 8] = {D7 - D0}	
ADh	R	Reading data 
EMM address [7: 0] = {A15 - A8}, data = {D7 - D0}	
W	Write data 
EMM address [7: 0] = {A15 - A8}, data = {D7 - D0}	

* There is no auto increment of the address

Tak to bylo pro definovani par takovych bodu, kterymi by jsme se mohli 
zabyvat a urceni mista, kde je sdilet.


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