[SharpMZ] FSTOOL verze 1.0
Michal Hucik - ORDOZ
ordoz na ordoz.com
Ètvrtek Leden 25 15:57:59 CET 2018
na teto adrese si muzete stahnout FSTOOL ver. 1.0 -
Jedna se o nastroj, ktery umi vytvaret, analyzovat a upravovat DSK. Dale
je v nem plna podpora prace s MZ filesystemem. Avast pri pokusu o
stazeni souboru hlasi ze je tam infekce DRep., coz znamena, ze se
pokousite stahnout doposud neznamy exe z nezname domeny.
Program jsem prubezne testoval jen v Linuxu, ale neocekavam nejake
vyznamne rozdily ve Win32 verzi. Zdrojak zatim jeste nikam nedavam,
protoze tam chci pridat dalsi filesystemy a udelat par kosmetickych
zmen. Pak to dam asi na SF. Kdyby jste si nekdo chtel nakompilovat
vlastni, napr. Linux verzi, tak mi napiste a poslu vam aktualni kod.
Pri praci s DSK jsem zjistil, ze mnoho mych FSMZ disket je ponekud
rozmrvenych, coz ma zrejme na svedomi pouzivani ipldisk vs. BASIC.
Vetsinou z nich lze bez potizi cist i do nich psat, ale nemusi sedet
info o obsazenem miste. Prikazy repairdinfo a defrag mohou mit na
takovych disketach destruktivni ucinky. S takovyma disketama bych asi
doporucil udelat "fstool --fsmz_ipldisk mzgetall ./adresar/", coz ulozi
veskery obsah diskety do jednotlivych MZF - ovsem bez konverze ftype(!),
takze napr. BASIC program bude mit ftype 0x02, misto 0x05.
Alespon pro zacatek, nez si praci s programem osvojite, tak doporucuji
vytvorit si kopie DSK - samozrejme jen pro pripad DSK WRITE operaci.
Nejake priklady:
Vyrob FSMZ disk s 80 stopama.
a) jednoduse:
$ fstool new_basic_disk.dsk dskbasic 160 --createdsk
b) slozite:
$ fstool new_basic_disk.dsk dskmake 160 16 256 0xff normal --createdsk
$ fstool new_basic_disk.dsk mzfastformat
Specialni low-level rormat:
Vyrob disk typu Lemmings (nepamatuju si presnou lokalizaci a umisteni
"tajneho" sektoru - treba 14. stopa a sectorID 0x27 ):
$ fstool --createdsk new_lemmings.dsk dskcpm 160
$ fstool new_lemmings.dsk dskchange 14 10 512 0x00 "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 0x27"
Overit (analyzovat disk):
$ fstool new_lemmings.dsk info
DSK and filesystem utility for Sharp MZ-800 disks, version 1.0
Checking DSK format ... Result: DSK is OK!
Disk total tracks: 160
Disk sides: 2
Track rules:
From 0, count 1, sectors 9, size 512 B
From 1, count 1, sectors 16, size 256 B
From 2, count 12, sectors 9, size 512 B
From 14, count 1, sectors 10, size 512 B
From 15, count 145, sectors 9, size 512 B
Format test result: This disk has only FSMZ bootstrap track
Prace s boot stopou:
Kazdy disk se kterym je FSTOOL v ramci FSMZ prikazu ochoten pracovat
musi mit alespon Sharp boot stopu. Vymyslel jsem 3 druhy umisteni Sharp
boot zavadece:
a) MINIBOOT - je maly, umisten v Sharp BOOT stope - napr. cp/m, nebo MRS
b) MZBOOT - klasicky BASIC, ci ipldisk zavadec, ktery ma v boot stope
jen IPLPRO header a samotny program se nachazi ve FSMZ filearea, cimz
ubira misto ostatnim souborum
c) MZOVERBOOT - souborovy system FSMZ umi v diskinfo bitmape na
standardne rozvrzene diskete popsat pouze 128 stop a zbyvajici cast
diskety zustava nevyuzita presto, ze FSMZ si na tyto alokacni bloky umi
bez problemu sahnout. Overboot program se tedy ulozi za oblasti filearea
a tim padem zustava na disku vice mista pro standardni FSMZ soubory
Prace s bloky:
Prikazy trsec, gettrsec, puttrsec, mzblock, mzgetblock a mzputblock umi
podle lowlevel formatu aktualni stopy nastavit auto invert a pripadne
konvertovat ASCII podle toho zda se nachazi nad FSMZ stopou, ci nikoliv.
Toto chovani lze pomoci options v pripade potreby ovlivnit.
Prikladam kompletni help k programu:
DSK and filesystem utility for Sharp MZ-800 disks, version 1.0
Usage: fstool [options] <dsk_file> <command> [<command_params>]
    --help: print this help message
    --version: print version
    --createdsk: create a new double-sided DSK file
    --createonsidedsk: create a new one-sided DSK file
    --overwrite: force overwrite file when new DSK is created
    --ro: forced read-only mode
    --fixdsk: auto bugfix DSK (only in R/W mode)
    --cnv: force enable Sharp ASCII conversion in hexdump output
    --nocnv: force disable Sharp ASCII conversion in hexdump output
         * output from FSMZ tracks is naturaly auto ASCII converted
           This option disable FSMZ auto ASCII conversion.
    --inv: force enable data inversion for hexdump and put/get data
from sector or block
    --noinv: force disable data inversion for hexdump and put/get data
from sector or block
         * operations on FSMZ and FSMRS tracks are data auto inverted
           This option disable FSMZ auto inversion.
    --fsmz_ipldisk: switch FSMZ to IPLDISK extended directory mode
         IPLDISK FSMZ directory is alocated in 16. - 31. block.
         Normal FSMZ directory is alocated in 16. - 23. block and
         blocks 24. - 31. are filled with zeros.
         * Be carefull! Use this option on each disk that has in
           any block from 24. to 31. some non zero values.
    --forcefsmz: forced FSMZ format
         Good choice for exotic format discs.
 DSK low-level format commands:
    dskmake <total_tracks> <sectors_per_track> <sector_size> <filler>
[<sector_order> or <sector_map>]
         Use this command for customized DSK low level format. You can
use --createdsk or
         --createonesidedsk option and --overwrite option, if DSK
already exist.
         All numeric values can be decimal, or hexadecimal with '0x'
         total_tracks - recomended value is 160 or 80 tracks.
              * the maximum number of tracks on the disc is 204
              * total number tracks of the double-sided disk must
always be even
         sectors_per_track - value in interval <1 - 29>
         filler - value of the byte to fill a new sectors <0 - 255>
         sector_size - sector size in bytes 128, 256, 512, 1024
         sector_order - determines way how to assign sectors ID. Value
may be:
              normal - sectors are numbered in ascending order
              lec - interlaced with interval 2
              lechd - interlaced with interval 3
         sector_map - list of a unique numeric sector IDs separated by
a comma.
    dskchange <track> <sectors_per_track> <sector_size> <filler>
[<sector_order> or <sector_map>]
         Use this command for change any existing track in DSK file.
         The parameters are similar as on the 'dskmake' command.
         track - value in interval <0 - 203>
    dskappend <count_tracks> <sectors_per_track> <sector_size>
<filler> [<sector_order> or <sector_map>]
         Add anoter tracks to the end of DSK file.
         The parameters are similar as on the 'dskmake' command.
    dskshrink <total_tracks>
         Reduce total number of tracks.
         Overlapping tracks at the end of DSK image will be discarded.
    dskbasic <total_tracks>
         Create new DSK with FSMZ low level format (16 sectors by 256 B).
         total_tracks - recommended value is 80 or 160 (must be
divisible by 2)
         * this command may be used only with --createdsk option
    dskcpm <total_tracks>
         Create new DSK with cp/m low level format (9 sectors by 512
B) and
         with FSMZ boot track.
         total_tracks - recommended value is 160 (must be divisible by 2)
         * this command may be used only with --createdsk option
    dskcpmhd <total_tracks>
         Create new DSK with cp/m low level format (18 sectors by 512
B) and
         with FSMZ boot track.
         total_tracks - recommended value is 160 (must be divisible by 2)
         * this command may be used only with --createdsk option
 FS general commands:
         Print info about disc low level and about logical format.
         Print disc map from the recognizable area.
    trsec <tt> <ss>
         Print hex dump of the sector on absolute track.
         tt - abs. track <0 - 203> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         ss - sector <1 - 29> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
    gettrsec <file> <tt> <ss> [size]
         Save data from sector into local file.
         tt - abs. track <0 - 203> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         ss - sector <1 - 29> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         * default size is the same as sector size
    puttrsec <file> <tt> <ss> [size] [file_offset]
         Load data from local file into sector.
         tt - abs. track <0 - 203> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         ss - sector <1 - 29> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         * If size is 0 or is not set, than default size = file_size -
         Print info about IPLPRO bootstrap.
         Clear IPLPRO block (track:0, sector:1).
         * Intended for non FSMZ disks with MINIBOOT on FSMZ boot track,
           or full FSMZ disk with OVERBOOT.
    miniboot <mzf>
         Load MZF and install into boot track as MINIBOOT ( max:
0x0f00 bytes ).
         * For non FSMZ disks with FSMZ bootstrap track.
    getboot <mzf>
         Save boootstrap loader (any type) into MZF file.
 FS-MZ commands:
 * you can set/reset FSMZ lock atribute for individual directory items,
 but this attribute is not taken account in FSTOOL
 * FSTOOL do not make any conversion of the file type parameter when is
 loading or saving the MZF file.
 E.g. the correct filetype for the BASIC program in the MZF is 0x05,
 but in FSMZ is the same file identified as filetype 0x03.
         Print all FSMZ dir items with ftype > 0x00 (not deleted).
    mzdirtype <nn>
         Print all FSMZ dir items with ftype = nn (decimal or 0xNN for
    mzfile <name>
         Print FSMZ dir item by name.
         * filename in FSMZ is case sensitive!
    mzid <id>
         Print FSMZ dir item by ID.
         FSMZ ID = <0; 62> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         FSMZ IPLDISK ID = <0; 126> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
    mzren <name> <newname>
         Rename FSMZ file by name to newname.
         * filename in FSMZ is case sensitive!
    mzrenid <id> <newname>
         Rename FSMZ file by ID to newname.
         FSMZ ID = <0; 62> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         FSMZ IPLDISK ID = <0; 126> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
    mzera <name>
         Erase FSMZ file by name.
         * filename in FSMZ is case sensitive!
    mzeraid <id>
         Erase FSMZ file by ID.
         FSMZ ID = <0; 62> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         FSMZ IPLDISK ID = <0; 126> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
    mzlock <name> <lck_state>
         Set or reset FSMZ lock file attribute by name.
         lck_state - <0,1> (0 = unlocked, 1 = locked)
         * filename in FSMZ is case sensitive!
    mzlockid <id> <lck_state>
         Set or reset FSMZ lock file attribute by ID.
         FSMZ ID = <0; 62> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         FSMZ IPLDISK ID = <0; 126> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         lck_state - <0,1> (0 = unlocked, 1 = locked)
    mzchftype <id> <file_type>
         Change FSMZ file type by ID.
         FSMZ ID = <0; 62> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         FSMZ IPLDISK ID = <0; 126> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         file_type - <0 - 0xff> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
              Known item types in K&P Basic V 1.5A:
              0x00 - deleted file (unused file item)
              0x01 - OBJ (machine code)
              0x02 - BTX (basic program)
              0x03 - BSD (basic sequential data)
              0x04 - BRD
              0x05 - RB
              0x06 - ASC
              0x07 - LIB
              0x08 - PTX
              0x09 - PSD
              0x0A - SYS
              0x0B - GR
              0x0C - LOG
              0x0D - PIC
         * file type value with 7. bit set as 1 (0x80 and higher) has
probably some any
         special importance, but I do not know what the meaning :)
         Remove FSMZ bootstrap loader, update FSMZ disc map and
         clear IPLPRO block
         * Intended only for full FSMZ disks (NORMALBOOT and OVERBOOT)!
    mzputboot <mzf>
         Load MZF and install into FSMZ bootstrap as NORMALBOOT.
         * This is default boot type for full FSMZ disks.
    mzputoverboot <mzf>
         Load MZF and install into FSMZ bootstrap as OVERBOOT.
         * This is experimental bootstrap location intended only for
           full FSMZ disks width more than 128 tracks.
           This option saves space in the standard FSMZ file area.
    mzgetfile <name> <mzf>
         Save FSMZ file by name into MZF file.
         * filename in FSMZ is case sensitive!
    mzgetid <id> <mzf>
         Save FSMZ file by ID into MZF file.
         FSMZ ID = <0; 62> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
         FSMZ IPLDISK ID = <0; 126> (decimal or 0xNN for hex)
    mzgetall <directory>
         Save all files from FSMZ filearea into local directory.
    mzputfile <mzf>
         Load MZF file into FSMZ.
    mzblock nn
         Print hex dump from FSMZ block nn (decimal or 0xNN for hex).
    mzgetblock <file> <block> [size]
         Save data from FSMZ block into local file.
         * Default size is 256 bytes (FSMZ block size).
    mzputblock <file> <block> [size] [file_offset]
         Load data from local file into FSMZ block.
         * If size is 0 or is not set, than default size = file_size -
         Fast FSMZ format.
         * rewrite IPLPRO, FSMZ disc map and directory blocks.
         Repair FSMZ disc map and block usage info from directory items.
         Defragmentation of FSMZ disc.
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