[SharpMZ] mzfstool

Michal Hucik - ORDOZ ordoz na ordoz.com
Úterý Leden 12 17:54:21 CET 2016


naprgal jsem takovou drobnost pro praci s MZFS - tedy MZ-BASIC 
filesystemem. Mam rozpracovane jeste dalsi formaty, tak to zatim nechci 
davat na sourceforge.
Zakladni knihovna je optimalizovana tak, aby ji bylo mozne pripadne 
kompilovat i pro Z80.

Prozatim jsem to kompiloval a zlehka testoval jen v Linuxu a driver na 
Sharpu, ale ve widlich by s tim snad nemel byt problem - kdyz tak dejte 


Tady je k tomu nejake povidani v moji čenglištině:

Usage: mzfstool [options] <dsk_file> <command> [<command_params>]

Options are:
      --ro: forced read-only mode
      --fixtrsz: bugfix DSK track sizes - if need (only in R/W mode)
      --nocnv: disable Sharp ASCII conversion in block and trsec command
      --help: print this help message
      --version: print version


           Print info about disc MZFS format.

           Print info about MZFS IPLPRO bootstrap.

           Print MZFS disc map.

           Print all dir items with ftype > 0x00 (not deleted).

      dirtype <nn>
           Print all dir items with ftype = nn.

      file <name>
           Print dir item by name.

      id <id>
           Print dir item by ID = <0; 63>.

      ren <name> <newname>
           Rename file by name to newname.

      renid <id> <newname>
           Rename file by ID to newname.

      era <name>
           Erase file by name.

      eraid <id>
           Erase file by ID.

           Clear IPLPRO block.
           * For non MZFS disks with MZFS bootstrap track.

           Remove bootstrap loader from MZFS and clear IPLPRO block
           * For full MZFS disks only.

      getboot <mzf>
           Save boootstrap loader into MZF file.

      putboot <mzf>
           Load MZF and install into generic bootstrap ( max: 0x0f00 
bytes ).
           * For non MZFS disks with MZFS bootstrap track.

      mzfsboot <mzf>
           Load MZF and install into MZFS bootstrap.
           * For full MZFS disks only.

      getfile <name> <mzf>
           Save file by name into MZF file.

      getid <id> <mzf>
           Save file by ID into MZF file.

      mzfsfile <mzf>
           Load MZF file into MZFS.

      block nn
           Print hex dump from block nn.

      trsec tt ss
           Print hex dump from track, sector.

      get <file> <block> [size]
           Save data from block into local file.
           * Default size is 256 bytes (block_size).

      put <file> <block> [size] [file_offset]
           Load data from local file into block.
           * If size is 0 or is not set, then default size is file_size 
- offset.

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