<html><body><p>Ahoj,</p><p><br></p><p>přemýšlel jsem, jak krmit nové přírůstky do sbírky a napadlo mne použít něco na principu Turbo Copy. Našel jsem malou informaci na mzunity, viz níže, ale archive.org už ty programy nemá. Nemáte náhodou někdo disassemblovaný turbo copy zavaděč nebo nějaké lepší info k transmanageru aby to šlo principielně aplikovat na MZ700, 1500, 2200 a třeba i na X1?</p><p><br></p><p>Vašek</p><p><br></p><table width="100%" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><p><font size="2">The second system is made by Czech programmers. Its name is <strong>TransManager</strong>. It is based on Miroslav Nemecek's programs for transferring data via parallel port. You can download here </font><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20040218154731/http://mzunity.wz.cz/old/host/Sharp.zip"><font color="#0066cc" size="2">original version</font></a><font size="2"> of this pack completely in Czech language (it contains programs, sources and documentation to interface). The interface is easier than in Mztape and I have to say that it really works. TransManager is DOS program, which can load from Sharp no matter what speed you are using !! With TurboCopy, you can transfer for example in 3x1200 bits = 3600 bits per second. Of course, it works upside-down, Transmanager sends a Turbo loader to Sharp in normal speed and then transfers data three-times faster than normal CMT !! If you don't believe, just try it, it really works. No more waiting for program to be loaded - send it using TransManager from PC and that's it. It supports .MZF file format which is compatible with .MZT from Tapeload.</font></p></td></tr><tr><td><font size="2"><em>Download</em></font><ul> <li><font size="2">You can download </font><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20040218154731/http://mzunity.wz.cz/old/host/Mztape.zip"><font color="#0066cc" size="2">Mztape.zip</font></a><font size="2"> here. This archive contains files for loading/saving from/to Sharp, program sources and documentation. </font></li><li><font size="2">You can download ALPHA 2 version of </font><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20040218154731/http://mzunity.wz.cz/old/Bin/TM.zip"><font color="#0066cc" size="2">TransManager</font></a><font size="2">. It contains PC programs and some Sharp games. </font></li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table><p><br></p></body></html>